
History of the Zipper and Its Impact on Bag Manufacturing

The history of the zipper begins with early designs from the late 19th century, followed by significant improvements and commercialization in the early 20th century, continuing with its diverse applications in the modern era. Each advancement has relied on inventors' innovations and market demand.

Bag manufacturers have greatly benefited from the evolution of the zipper, as its versatility has allowed for the creation of more functional and durable products. As a leading bag manufacturer, integrating high-quality zippers into our designs ensures that our bags meet the expectations of both casual users and outdoor enthusiasts alike.

Sonygood Industries Co., Ltd. produces a wide range of bags that prominently feature zippers, with a strong emphasis on their quality and durability. Our bag manufacturing process is designed to incorporate the latest zipper innovations, ensuring our products stand the test of time.

We welcome customers to inquire about any issues related to zipper usage, especially in relation to bag manufacturing and design.

History of the Zipper: Indispensable part of Contemporary Life

The Evolution of the Zipper and Its Role in Bag Manufacturing

The history of the zipper is a story of technological innovation and design evolution. Below are the main stages of its development:

  1. Early Concepts and Prototypes
    1851: Elias Howe filed the first patent for a device called "detachable clothing," which resembled modern zippers but was not widely adopted.
    1893:Whitcomb Judson invented an early prototype of the toothed zipper, known as the “clasp locker” or “clasp fastener.” This design, intended for shoes and bags, was an early version of what would become the modern zipper. Early bag manufacturers likely found this zipper design crucial for creating more secure closures.
  2. Commercialization and Improvement
    1913: Gideon Sundback improved the zipper design and invented the “slide fastener,” making it more practical. This design utilized a double-row of teeth and a sliding mechanism, replacing the earlier hook-and-eye designs. Bag manufacturers were able to adapt these improvements, enhancing the durability and usability of their products.
  3. Innovation and Diversification
    1930: Zipper applications expanded into areas like military gear, including bag manufacturing for military use.
    1950: The introduction of nylon zippers provided a lighter, more durable option for bag manufacturers, making their products more versatile and rust-resistant.
  4. Modern Developments
    1980: With technological advancements, zippers became more diverse, benefiting bag manufacturing through innovations like waterproof zippers.
    1990 to Present: Zippers have seen further innovation in fashion and functionality, with bag manufacturers integrating reversible and self-adhesive zippers into their designs.